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Bill McDaniel's Scots-Irish family has lived in the Floyd County area since the late 1700’s.  He grew up in at the foot of Buffalo Mountain dairy and beef farming with his family.  He joined the Air Force and traveled the world for 25 years.

The idea for Buffalo Mountain Brewing Company (BMBC) was conceived in 2012.  Retiring in 2014 and moved back to Floyd, the journey started to open this brewery, which eventually became a reality

on 12 April 2018.


Brewing Small-Batch Craft Beer
in Floyd, VA Since 2018 

BMBC brews small batch beers on premise in a 2BBL brewhouse.  Each brew day is a double batch, so 4BBL’s (approximately 1000 pints) of beer goes into each fermentation tank. BMBC will brew many different styles of beer as time progresses.  Some will be limited releases others will remain on tap or return periodically. 
McDaniel’s Tavern is a tribute to Bill’s 4th generation Scots-Irish great grandfather, William McDaniel, who owned and operated McDaniel’s Tavern (called William’s Ordinary) in Dumfries, Prince William County, Virginia.
We have a wonderful family here at BMBC and we’re grateful that you've come out to be part of that family.  We hope you enjoy your visit with us and please let us know if we can do anything 
to better serve you.      

                 "Slainte mhath".....

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